Our Story

How It All Began
Southern California resident Joann Bradvica invented Lobe Wonder in the early 90s while she worked as a deputy city manager in local government. She was a wife and a mother to two young daughters. While she loved her job in government, she yearned to create a home-based business that would allow her to spend more time with her girls.
One night at a council meeting, she noticed the earrings of a woman who was sitting in the row in front of her. They were exquisite. Unfortunately, the earrings pulled down on her ear lobes and exposed torn earring holes. It looked both painful and awkward. Joann thought of her sister’s earlobes, which had torn from years of wearing heavy earrings. She soon realized that she knew many women who had the same problem, some of which had to have their lobes surgically repaired. Over the next several months, Joann spent her evenings and weekends at home designing a product to address the problem of torn and damaged lobes. It had to be effective, painless, and simple to use. After much testing on her sister and coworker, she settled on the design of the Lobe Wonder. Two years later, she was granted a US patent.

The first thing Joann did was send a sample of the product to every editor (there were close to 40) listed on the front pages of Glamour Magazine. A few months later, Joann received a short note from the assistant fashion editor that read, “Many of our editors use the Lobe Wonder and love it, so we thought we would let the rest of the world in on our little secret.” That was the break Joann needed! Lobe Wonder was featured in an upcoming issue of Glamour and sales started. Letters started to pour in from happy customers.
It would be a full year later that Joann was able to leave city government and start selling Lobe Wonder full time. She never looked back. Lobe Wonder sales grew beyond Joann’s expectations. Inventor, business owner, published author, wife, and mother of three, Joann is now a little older and wiser and so very grateful she never gave up! Above all else, Joann credits her blessings to her faith in Jesus, and is so very grateful for every trial and tribulation through which the Lord has formed her! Thanks be to God!
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17